Sunday, 24 May 2009

It's been a while since....

It's been a while since I've blogged on this site - got a little wrapped up with the veggie project (you can see progress on my other blogsite). Still there's lots to tell:
The Learning Sustainability Foundation has now got a small group of potential trustees sorted - good folks who will help me to make this a runner. The next step will be to organise some sort of meet up - that might wait till the autumn because the charity laws on how to set up and govern charities, are just about to change and I want to see what impact they will have on the Foundation. Am sorting business cards which will link to the web and give a couple of phone numbers. Am also, and this is quite exciting, in touch with a couple of good egg charities (Education for All, Transformation Unlimited) and as a result have been invited to go to dinner at the House of Commons in my role as a founder of LSF! What fun!
The other project am working on is the Museum of Learning and Education - we have nothing that celebrates schools, colleges, learning in this country and the students, teachers, cleaners and everyone who goes the extra mile to make learning fun. This may explain our ambivilence towards learning and education. That project will be the biggy - and my ultimately my legacy.

It'll also need another website! Fun! And to that end I've registered for 121 training with Apple - it's a brilliant scheme giving you 12 hours of 121 training in a year for a very small fee. That's why I do love Apple....need to save pennies for my upgrade to more powerful Mac as a birthday/Xmas present.'s been a while since I blogged....but busy, busy, busy.

Wednesday, 13 May 2009

You must watch this - you'll love it!

Please watch this - you'll chuckle and it'll really make you think......enjoy!

Monday, 4 May 2009

The Big Oxford Learning Debate

I've just finished writing the proposals for the Big Oxford Learning Debate. The BOLD (like it!) is an idea that I hatched whilst thinking about Oxford and learning and skills and and and.....
I am a Fellow of the RSA and was chatting about this as an idea with one of the local group members.

The idea is to bring together the great and the good from the Oxford learning community (so the Vice Chancellors of the Universities, a principal of an FE college, maybe the Director of Children's Services, perhaps a headteacher or two) to have a discussion about the future of learning and what we need to do to ensure that children and young people have the skills and knowledge and aptitudes they need to face the challenges of tomorrow.

I've got my friends at British Council for School Environments interested too as part of their investigation into what makes good learning.

I've offered to organised and chair the event which, fingers crossed, should happen sometime in October this year.....

I think it sounds really good.......